Category: Drip Irrigation News

Colorado Farmers Try Subsurface Drip Irrigation

In the back of almost every farm truck you are likely to find a pair of muddy irrigating boots. Stepping in the mud to shovel and straighten creases is common in the area, so getting muddy boots is just part of the job for most farmers. But one type of irrigation has the potential to get rid of some of the muck.

Subsurface drip (SDI) is a low-pressure, high-efficiency irrigation system that uses buried drip tubes or drip tape, essentially plastic tubing with holes in it, to meet crop water needs. This type of irrigation effectively waters the crops but keeps the surface dry. “The thing about this is that there is no run-off. If we do it correctly, there is no deep percolation. So essentially everything goes to the crop. So it’s very, very efficient,” said Calvin Pearson, research agronomist at the Colorado State University Fruita Agricultural Experiment Station.

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Grants & Drip Irrigation Seen as Solution to Nitrate Contamination

Nitrate contamination is a common issue for growers in the Salinas Valley. Since nitrates can cause serious health issues and can negatively affect marine wildlife, significant grant money is being devoted to the issue. Drip irrigation is also part of the solution since it applies the right amount of water exactly where it is needed, increasing plant health and minimizing runoff.

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July is Smart Irrigation Month

Smart Irrigation MonthAlthough we should be mindful of our water use every month, July is the official “Smart Irrigation Month” because it is a peak month for outdoor water use. An initiative of the Irrigation Association (a non-profit industry organization dedicated to promoting efficient irrigation), Smart Irrigation Month is a public awareness campaign that seeks to promote effective practices and innovative technologies to:

  • Increase crop yield per acre
  • Apply water and nutrient inputs more precisely for improved results with no waste
  • Minimize runoff and top soil erosion
  • Help protect and preserve water supplies for today and the future
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General Mills CEO Discusses the Importance of Sustainable Agriculture

Drip Irrigation on LettuceSustainability is becoming a growing concern for individuals and big companies, alike. General Mills is just one example of a big company that has realized they have both a responsibility to promote efficient agricultural practices and an opportunity to maximize efficiency and productivity.

At Fortune‘s Brainstorm GREEN conference in Laguna Nigel, CA, General Mills CEO, Kendall Powell discussed the importance of sustainable agriculture and managing the global food supply. The entire transcript is available at, but of special interest are his comments on drip irrigation, interest free loans, and rewarding growers who improve their efficiency and productivity.

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Subsurface Drip Irrigation Shines at Alfalfa Field Day

On May 15, UC Davis held its annual Alfalfa Field Day to discuss a number of topics, including pest management, varietal trials, and irrigation management. However, the highlight of the field day was the discussion on subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) for alfalfa.

UC Davis Extension agronomist and forage specialist, Dan Putnam, provided the benefits and disadvantages of alfalfa on SDI and introduced a three year project that is currently looking at the water use, yield opportunities, and rodent management strategies associated with SDI. As part of this effort, UC Davis will launch an online sharing group to allow grower collaboration for SDI on alfalfa. More information can be found at

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